Mthabisi Mpofu

Who am I?

'If you ever see me outside there will be a 90% chance I am wearing headphones listening to something and thinking "How did they do that".'

The Full story

Ever since I was a child, I found solace and joy in the world of music and television. The way sound could transport me to new realms and evoke a wide range of emotions fascinated me. I would often find myself completely immersed in the audio landscapes of my favourite shows and albums, captivated by the intricate details and the way they enhanced the overall experience.

As I grew older, my love for sound design and music only intensified. I started to explore the technical aspects of creating and manipulating sound, discovering the art of sound design. The ability to shape and sculpt the sound to tell stories, create moods, and elicit emotions ignited a deep passion within me.

The process of sound design and music curation itself is what truly captivates me. From concept and experimentation to refining and perfecting, I revel in every stage of the journey. There is a certain magic in bringing a vision to life through sound, and I thrive on the challenge of finding the perfect balance between artistry and technical precision.

In my work, I strive to create immersive sonic experiences that transport audiences to new dimensions. I am constantly pushing the boundaries, exploring new techniques, and experimenting with unconventional sound sources to achieve unique and captivating results. Whether it's designing soundscapes for films, crafting audio environments, or creating atmospheric soundtracks, I pour my heart and soul into every project.

Meet the Team

  • Instagram

    Get to know me outside of my projects and professional work here.


  • TikTok

    Where I create short and simple works for the sake of practice and getting opinions

  • Youtube

    Find the more demanding and professional works that I have worked on here. You’ll work in process, final products and projects here.

Get in touch.

If you want to get in touch with me or have any more questions send me an email